What Is Live Streaming?

Live streaming is broadcasting live video of an event over the internet. Live streaming is just that—live and uncensored, happening at the moment and giving your audience a sense of being there. All you need is a device to film and a live-streaming platform like Facebook, YouTube Live, AWS, Vimeo through which you can broadcast.


Depending on the platform you choose, live streaming an event also can give your audience an opportunity to interact with you and with one another using chat features. As your event is happening, participants can ask questions or comment on the action on their mobile devices, giving your event an interactive experience that might otherwise be missing from a virtual, recorded event.

What can Pixalchemy do for you?

Why Live Stream?


The power that video can bring to your small business is boundless. Live streaming can push that impact even further by helping you affordably broadcast your events in real-time to a large, diverse audience. Live streaming can make your target audience feel like part of the action without having to leave the comfort of their home.

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Why might that be important, especially now? In this time of unprecedented numbers of people staying and working at home, live streaming can be even more integral to getting your message out across the world.

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The world hasn’t stopped, but the way we experience it has for the time being. Now your audience doesn’t have to feel like they’re missing out on the action when you bring the action right to them with our team of experts who can make your event polished and professional on top of accessible.

How Live Streaming Can Help Your Small Business

Whether you’re just launching your small business or looking for new leads for your sales funnel, chances are you need to maximize your business’ exposure while simultaneously minimizing your cost. Live streaming with Pixalchemy can help you do both of those things without having to sacrifice the professional polish you want to portray.

Live streaming events can help you get your audience engaged with your brand efficiently and inexpensively as you don’t have to pay for advertising time on television to reach that wider audience you’re hoping for.

To gain that exposure, you can use Pixalchemy to help you live stream:

  • Product launches that build excitement about what you have to offer while showing your audience exactly what your product can do for them. 
  • Testers trying out your product in real-time. Invite your biggest fans to try your product and show their reaction as it’s happening. 
  • A Q and A session where you invite loyal followers or new converts to ask you any question they have about your product, from manufacturing to what it can do for their lives.
  • A behind-the-scenes look at your brand and what you do. Audiences love feeling like they have an all-access pass to what’s going in your company, and you can build relationships with your customers by showing them the magic behind the product.

The possibilities are endless. Live streaming gives you an opportunity to make your audience an intimate part of your brand like never before. 




How We Can Help You

You work hard to build a successful event, and that includes defining what’s valuable and important. Our mission is to offer the best live streaming services available, so we capture the important and the valuable content of your stream, empowering you to share it with whomever you want.

The experts at Pixalchemy help you bring to life the live streaming projects you’ve dreamed about by pushing the boundaries of 4K video and what it can do. Our team will guide you through the entire process, from envisioning what your event will look like on-screen to post-production work that will leave you with a professional archive of your event to be seen by future audiences at any time.

With our professional assistance, gone are the days of fuzzy or blurry slides that look like they’re part of an amateur presentation. Your audience interaction and questions will be heard loud and clear with professionally engineered sound quality. Our use of multi-camera techniques will give a highly produced feel to what is unfolding live.

In short, your entire live-streamed event will give your company the professional look you work hard to achieve so that you can share your vision with the world.

Pixalchemy’s Educational live streaming Expertise

At Pixalchemy, we’re able to bring our industry-leading solution to your product , including:

  • Multiple 4K cameras.
  • High-end lenses for quality.
  • Gimbal-mounted camera stabilizers.
  • Mounted sliders.
  • Booms, track dollies, and jibs.
  • Lighting equipment for any situation.
  • The best team around to operate it all.

Your live educational class will look like it was professionally produced all while happening in real-time, meaning you can maximize your audience experience while minimizing your production budget.

Ready to see what Pixalchemy can do for your next live streaming event?

Contact us today to speak to one of our professionals about streaming solutions that not only will impact your reach and the viewing experience of your customers but impact your entire business in the long run.

Let's Talk