Interactive Video Production & Creative Development

Don’t force your audience to sit through something they don’t want to see when you’ve got exactly what they need ready and waiting. Get them to the training or products they need faster with interactive video content.

Using an interactive video production will help you create simple solutions that empower customers and teams to explore the most relevant content to their needs today. Give them the power to control and consume as needed and watch your satisfaction levels fly up, accelerating the buying cycle and killing the frustration common in too many videos we all watch today.

Request a free quote on your next video

Pixalchemy builds interactive videos for many different types of applications. Try out this interactive video which provides a insight about how a interactive video looks.

Interactive Video Production & Creative Development

Learn more about our process and how soon you can get started on a brand-new interactive adventure.

Contact us to tell us more about your brand and your project, and receive your quote by filling out the form.

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Why Choose Interactive Video Productions?

Interactive videos engage customers and team members, and encourage a level of interaction that’s hard to do with any other type of video content. We’ll help you build decision-making into your video so you can:

  • Trace the path a customer takes
  • Allow for better training
  • Support the business needs that matter most to you

We’ve worked with clients on interactive video productions that support educational initiatives, allow users to “choose their own adventure” and build out a way for you to give people exactly what they want or need based on their decisions.

It’s the perfect tool for managing teams through education and compliance efforts, showcasing knowledge with sales or safety training, and enhancing the customer experience by showing product demos and helping people choose the product or service that best fits their needs today.

Create interactive videos to make an enjoyable experience your team or customers want to go through, maximizing opportunities with a one-time production.

video camera production


About Our Interactive Video Platform and Partners

The interactive videos created by Pixalchemy are built on the Rapt Media platform designed to adjust to your needs and demands with a wide range of features and quality controls. You get to create interactive videos and define every action point based on core components of people:

  • How they engage
  • How they learn
  • How they behave
  • How they act

Together, we’ll craft an experience using a smart interactive video platform that makes it simple to publish your videos, measure analytics on performance across multiple metrics and adjust content to meet your needs.

We can offer you browser-based editing and simple media management that doesn’t require a coding background to understand. All the videos we put together come with complete compatibility for today’s leading desktop and mobile browsers, offering captions or subtitles to help reach an ever-growing audience.

Ready to Get Started on Your Interactive Video?

Adopting an interactive video platform is quick and easy thanks to Pixalchemy’s technology experts and our partner APIs. We’ll help you build an experience that can live on your site or be shared with your own partners and customers.

Ditch greeting everyone with the same videos in the same order. Stop making your audience trudge through the unimportant or unnecessary. Keep their attention by giving them active calls to action that feel personalized and empowering.

Learn more about our process and how soon you can get started on a brand-new interactive adventure. 


At Pixalchemy, we’ve established ourselves among the top commercial film production companies with a full in-house production studio and the ability to arrive at your location to build a professional video that feels like you. We’ll turn the passion you have for your customer into the passion your customers hold every time they interact with you.

Contact us to tell us more about your brand and your project, and receive your quote by filling out the form.